Cellular Monitoring Services
Cellular Communicator Installation
12/24v Cellular Communicator
This equipment replaces the telephone line typically needed to communicate to the central monitoring station. It is powered by your security system.
Standard Installation $500 +tax
24v Cellular Fire Communicator
This equipment replaces both telephone lines required for your fire alarm system. We calculate the additional load to your existing system to ensure code compliance.
Standard Installation $600 +tax
120v Cellular Fire Communicator
This equipment replaces both telephone lines required for your fire alarm system. It is powered separately from your fire alarm system and includes its own standby battery. Older systems without documentation, or systems without additional power available, typically use this model.
Standard Installation $850 +tax
Central Station Monitoring Service
Cellular Monitoring Service
Includes 1 year of central station monitoring service, activation fee, and cellular service by Verizon or AT&T.
Annual Fee $600 +tax
Traditional Monitoring Service
1 year of central station monitoring service utilizing copper POTS telephone lines (no digital lines)
Annual Fee $300 +tax